Citation Flow Vs Trust Flow, which one is the most important?

Which one is the most important metric, Citation Flow or Trust Flow?

Most importantly, beware of domains with Citation Flow larger than Trust Flow, even if it is slightly larger because these domains may often have spammed with toxic backlinks and may be penalized by Google.

Trust Flow is more important because, unlike Citation Flow, TF is hardly driven by spam links. However, there is a problem: a link (such as a footer link) from a single site with good Trust Flow and many internal pages can boost TF up to 30 without the site being really good. Therefore sites with high CF and high TF are not 100% good.

With the extinction of Google PageRank, secondary metrics became very important. Metrics such as domain authority, trust flow, and citation flow are also the main ranking factors on Google. Sites like Moz and MajesticSEO are great for defining the ranking and authority of websites or blogs. You can’t just fool these metrics, as you could with Google PageRank before.

Majestic Trust and Citation Flow Tool

Majestic is one of the most popular digital marketing tools. Currently, marketers cannot dispense with this tool.

Trust flow and citation flow are part of the metrics analyzed by Majestic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The Majestic SEO tool is generally used to measure the strength of web page reliability, which will help you know the situation of your site. With Majestic’s trust flow, you can verify the reliability of your site based on the number of trusted sites that link to it. Whereas, with the citation flow, you can check the intensity of URL influence based on the number of sites that link to it.

Trust Flow vs Citation Flow by MajesticSEO

Majestic’s trust and citation flow tool reflects the quality of backlinks to a domain. Because the quality of backlinks comes primarily from the quality of the referral domain, Trust Flow is expected to be a domain-wide metric, just as Google recognizes domain-level trust. However, that is not what Majestic SEO engineers thought. Majestic Trust Flow is a URL-level SEO metric that is different for domain pages, much like the late Google Pagerank. This causes the main weakness of Trust Flow which can get very “inflated” due to the number of external links from a domain with many internal pages and which has a very high Trust Flow.

Citation Flow, on the other hand, is a series of predictions about the influence of a URL based on the number of sites linked to it. Trust Flow is a number that predicts the reliability of a page based on how trusted sites tend to link to trusted neighbors.

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